Command Line Interface

CxSystem commands are defined under cxsystem2/cmd folder. Each command has a separate file that includes a main function, which processes the arguments. Each of those main functions are defined as an entry point in the pypi configuration file:

    'console_scripts': [
        'cxsystem2 = cxsystem2.cmd.cxsystem_cmd:main',
        'cxconfig = cxsystem2.cmd.cxconfig_cmd:main',
        'cxcluster = cxsystem2.cmd.cxcluster_cmd:main',
        'cxvisualize = cxsystem2.cmd.cxvisualize_cmd:main',
        'cxserver = cxsystem2.cmd.cxserver_cmd:main'

Another main component of the CLI is the docopt strings on top of each of the files. These strings define the allowed arguments for that command. You can use the current commands as examples to create newer commands, but more examples are also available in the docopt website.