Command-line interface

CxSystem2 has five commands associated with the main functionalities of CxSystem2. Each of this commands have descriptive help commands.


This command can be used to run a simulation using anatomy and configuration files:

$ cxsystem2 -h
cxsystem2 -- a cortex simulation software

  cxsystem2 (-h | --help)
  cxsystem2 (-v | --version)

A cortex simulation framework called `CxSystem`.

  PORT                                              port number on which the BUI server runs

  -h --help                                         Show this screen
  -v --version                                      Show current cxsystem version
  -a ANATOMY_FILE --anatomy=ANATOMY_FILE            Sets the anatomy file path
  -p PHYSIOLOGY_FILE --physiology=PHYSIOLOGY_FILE   Sets the physiology file path


  cxsystem2 -a ./anatomy.csv -p ./physiology.csv
    runs the cxsystem using the anatomy file called anatomy.csv and physiology file called physiology.csv

  cxsystem2 --anatomy ./anatomy.csv --physiology ./physiology.csv
    runs the cxsystem using the anatomy file called anatomy.csv and physiology file called physiology.csv


This command can be used to visualize the result of a simualtion using ViSimpl (available here for download):

$ cxvisualize -h
cxvisualize -- cxsystem visualizer

  cxvisualize (-h | --help)
  cxvisualize  [ -d | -c ] FILEPATH
  cxvisualize --rasterplot-pdf FOLDERPATH TIMESTAMP [--sampling-rate SAMPLINGRATE]

A tool for visualizing `CxSystem` spike data in ViSimpl.

  FILENAME                                          Path to results file
  FOLDERPATH                                        Path to folder containing array run files
  TIMESTAMP                                         Timestamp suffix of the arrayrun files
  SAMPLINGRATE                                      Sampling rate for the rasterplots

  -h --help                                         Show this screen
  --rasterplot-pdf                                  Generate a rasterplot pdf for arrayrun
  -c --convert                                      Convert results for use in ViSimpl
  -d --delete                                       Delete ViSimpl-related files after visualization
  -s SAMPLINGRATE --sampling-rate=SAMPLINGRATE      Sampling rate for raster plot (default is 1%)


  cxvisualize ./results.gz
    converts the results file into two CSVs and one JSON for ViSimpl, visualizes the result and does not remove the temp files
    (actual visualization: ./visimpl -csv results_structure.csv results_spikes.csv -se results_subsets.json)

  cxvisualize -d ./results.gz
    converts the results file into two CSVs and one JSON for ViSimpl, visualizes the result and remove the temp files

  cxvisualize -c ./results.gz
    converts the results file into two CSVs and one JSON for ViSimpl (no visualization)

  cxvisualize --rasterplot-pdf ./cobaeif 20191123_1353509
    Generates a pdf of rasterplots of all groups in the folder with 20191123_1353509 timestamp

  cxvisualize --rasterplot-pdf ./cobaeif 20191123_1353509 --sampling-rate=4%
    Generates a pdf of rasterplots of all groups in the folder with timestamp 20191123_1353509 and sampling rate or 4%


CxSystem2 supports both csv and json file formats for the anatomy and physiology configurations. cxconfig can be used to convert the json configuration files to csv and vice versa:

$ cxconfig -h
cxconfig -- cxsystem config file converter

  cxconfig (-h | --help)
  cxconfig  FILEPATH

A configuration file converter for `CxSystem`.

  FILENAME              Path to configuration file to convert

  -h --help             Show this screen


  cxconfig ./sample_conf.json
    converts the file `sample_conf.json` in current directory to csv and saves it as `sample_conf.csv`

  cxconfig ./sample_conf.csv
    converts the file `sample_conf.csv` in current directory to csv and saves it as `sample_conf.json`


After submitting jobs to cluster, CxSystem stores the data corresponding to the job to a metadata file. To retrieve the results when they are ready, you can use the cxcluster command as follows:

$ cxcluster -h
cxcluster -- cxsystem cluster result downloader

  cxcluster (-h | --help)
  cxcluster META_FILE_PATH

Downloads result data of `CxSystem` from cluster.

  META_FILE_PATH            Path to cluster run metadata file

  -h --help                 Show this screen


  cxcluster ./sample_meta.pkl
    Uses the information in the metadata file to download the results if ready, and otherwise wait for the results.
    User will be prompted for the remote password.


You can use the cxserver command to run the browser user interface of the CxSystem2 in either http or https mode. Note that running it in https mode requires oauth configurations for authentication:

$ cxserver -h
cxserver -- web server for cxsystem2

  cxserver (-h | --help)
  cxserver [--port=PORT] [--no-browser]
  cxserver --https [-p PROVIDERID -c CLIENTID -r REDIRECTURI -a AUTHORIZATION] [--port=PORT] [--no-browser]
  cxserver --config -w WORKSPACEPATH
  cxserver --config -l LOGPATH

Web server for running the BUI for `cxsystem2`

  PORT                                              port number on which the BUI server runs
  PROVIDERID                                        provider id for OAuth2 client for authentication
  CLIENTID                                          client id for OAuth2 client for authentication
  REDIRECTURI                                       redirect url for OAuth2 client for authentication
  AUTHORIZATION                                     authorization url for OAuth2 client for authentication
  WORKSPACEPATH                                     path to the main workspace folder
  LOGPATH                                           path to the log folder

  -h --help                                         Show this screen
  -v --version                                      Show current cxsystem version
  --https                                           Run server with ssl certificate
  --port=PORT                                       Runs the server on port PORT
  --config                                       Rewrite the oauth config file with the new parameters
  --no-browser                                      Do not open browser after running the server
  -p PROVIDERID --provider-id=PROVIDERID            Sets the provider id
  -c CLIENTID --client-id=CLIENTID                  Sets the client id
  -r REDIRECTURI --redirect-uri=REDIRECTURI         Sets the redirect url
  -a AUTHORIZATION --authorization=AUTHORIZATION    Sets the authorization url
  -w WORKSPACE --workspace-path=WORKSPACE           Sets the workspace path
  -l LOGPATH --log-path=LOGPATH                     Sets the log path


    runs the cxsystem2 server without SSL certificate on a random port

  cxserver --port=PORT
    runs the server on a specific port number PORT

  cxserver --https
    runs the cxsystem using the ssl certificate and other parameters previously saved in the configuraiton file using --config

  cxserver --config -p HBP -c f34780ff-7842-499c-8440-5777c28e360d -r -a
    config the configuration yaml file with the new oauth parameters

  cxserver --config -w /cxworkspace
    config the configuration yaml file with the new workspace path

  cxserver --config -l /var/log/
    config the configuration yaml file with the new log path